Thursday, 5 April 2012

Evaluation 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To find out how our music video was received by the audience, we displayed it in a few different places, so a large group of people could view it. Firstly, I posted it publicy on Facebook where loads of people can view it and give their comments. We thought a social network would be good to share the film as some people will have knowledge of media while some won't and the majority of our friends are older teenagers and therefore meet the target market so their feedback will be relevant and reflect a wider groups opinion. Secondly, our media class gave us feedback which was highly useful as they have knowledge on media conventions and the qualities our coursework should have which helped us to develop and improve it. Lastly, we chose a small group of friends to give more in depth feedback on the three products. By using friends we knew they would be honest and not feel they have to compliment the video, while also knowing they all watch music videos and buy albums so can relate our products easily to real ones. This therefore gained both positive feedback and constructive criticism for a fair overview of each of the products.
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