Tuesday 6 September 2011

Choosing music

Along with my group, we planned our prepared a shortlist of songs to which we can make our music video. Firstly, we decided the best genre would be indie as indie music is quite upbeat which is the style we wanted. RnB or rap music can often have inappropriate lyrics, while rapping may be too fast for the audience to follow. Contrastingly, soul or classical music we felt is too slow and not the style we were picturing.

After narrowing down some rock songs we were left to:
  • Nickleback, Photograph
  • JET, Are you gonna be my girl?
  • Paramore, Ignorance
  • Paramore, Misery Business
These songs are of the same genre and for each we considered a storyline. 'Photograph', however, is very specific, describing the bands own lives. The lyrics include descriptions of their high schools and friends and so we decided against using this song as it would take a lot of editing to cut out names and detailed memories which we did not feel we should use.

Initially, my group decided to use JET 'Are you gonna be my girl' as our final song. However, this proved to be a difficult song to plan a video to as it involved using a band who were unreliable due to other commitments, while the fast lyrics meant the action had to be sped up, making it very fast moving which we did not feel met our storyline too well.

 We have consequently decided our final song for the music video will be 'Ignorance' by Paramore. This song is fairly upbeat and sang by a girl which is appropriate as the people we have planned to use in our film are mainly females. Therefore the song will appear to be sung from their point of view.

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