Thursday 15 September 2011

Different Types of Music Video

Music Video's can be made in various ways. They may or may not:
  • Film real People
  • Include the singer/ band themselves
  • Be animated
  • Include the songs lyrics
  • Use special effects
Special Effects
An example of a music video which uses special effects is 'Earthquake' by Labrinth. The video is almost completely special effects which would have been added during editing, after the artist himself had been filmed.
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An example of a music video which has been animated is 'Heartless' by Kayne West. This video has a cartoon style but animated video's can also be in a 3D style, like Justin Bieber's 'Santa Claus is coming to Town'. Animated music videos do no require filming using a camera as they involve using a computer to create the different images and put them together.

Music Videos With Lyrics
 Some music videos add lyrics of the song, either on their own or with footage of the band/ artist. Neyo did this in his music video 'Closer'. Not all lyrics were shown and only one or two words were put on the screen together at the same time, keeping the artist himself as the main focus of the video.

Most Common Music Videos
Many music videos do not include any of the above qualities; showing just people and different settings. However, these can either include the artist/ band or feature actors who do not actually have anything to do with the song. An example of a music video in which the artist barely features is 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran. Though his picture is shown in the video and he can be seen walking out of a lift for a few seconds, the rest of the video features a boy.

Contrastingly, Take That's music videos always star the band, but manage to include them in a story rather than just filming them in a studio.

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