Tuesday 27 March 2012

Feedback about Magazine Advert

We showed our magazine advert to our media class in order to receive feedback:

  • A good link between the red lips and red font for the song name
  • The size of the date attracts the attention of the audience so they know exactly when the song will be released.
  • The image of the CD is the same as that on the front cover of the digi-pack so the audience can link these two products easily.
  • The ratings from magazines are realistic and easy to see.
  • Though the same image is used on both the magazine advert and cd cover, more is shown on this product making it slightly different.
Areas for improvement
  • Maybe add a record label logo onto the advert.
However, our research into magazine adverts has shown us that they commonly do not actually show the record labels logo and therefore we will consider not adding this.

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