Saturday, 25 February 2012

Re-shooting parts of the music video and last scenes

Following today we have now filmed all clips following our timeline and storyboard and roughly put it together. However, throughout editing we have noticed problems in the filming such as:

- seeing each other in the film
- Lighting
- the actors laughing/ smiling well as a lack of clips in certain scenes. We also planned to make the film quite fast-paced to fit well with the music, however, discovered that it is more common in music videos and attractive to add many short clips.

Problems we faced
One of the original public locations was unavailable to use.
We needed a lighter to set a photo on fire but did not have one.
Not having the coat for the actress

Overcoming these Problems
New Location

While filming we used a castle ruins in Eynsford but today when we went to re-shoot scenes there was a sign saying it was closed for health and safety reasons and we therefore had to find a new location. Luckily, we don't need to re-shoot any of these scenes and so just had to find a similar, rural location and so went down a country path near where I live. We believe it will fit in with the original location, however, as they are both quite basic and appear to be in the country.

The Lighter
To set a photo on fire, we originally used matches, however, believed it would be more realistic for the girl in the music video to carry around a lighter and so Zoe and I went into a newsagents on the way to the location and bought one.

The Coat
As Sarah could not come to the filming session due to work we could not get her coat. However, we found out the location of her friends house and I drove there with Zoe to collect the coat. The picture shows us using the AA journey planner website to figure out how to get there.

The main factor to consider when reshooting these scenes was ensuring the scenes and actress looked exactly the same as before so the new and old clips will link in with each other and flow well without it being obvious they were filmed separately.

Zoe changing the bed sheets to pink to match the colour in the original clips.

I did Ellie's make up to ensure she looked the same as she had before; we made sure of this by watching our current footage back.

We took pictures from a range of different angles to make up for the lack of clips we had before.

Zoe covered the light which shone through the banister as it lit up Ellie's boots in a strange pattern.

Lastly, while burning the photograph we had to take into consideration safety issues as it could cause something to catch fire. Therefore, I stood outside of the camera shot with a bottle of water ready incase Ellie could not put the fire out, while Ellie ensured she didn't wait till the picture was completely up in flame to put it on and stamped on the paper to make sure the flames were put out.

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